Deploy without GitHub/GitLab
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I would like to upload files instead of using any Git or Bit
Joel Ndiba Mwaura
I would like to be able to deploy from free host as a student
Came looking for Gitea integration and I'm seeing this request is going to be 4 years old soon. Wow
How is this still not a priority? There's so many people that would love to switch to Render but is not even a possibility because of this
Steven R. Baker
+1000 on this. I use which is a Gitea instance. Please support Gitea. I've filed a suport request.
David Myers
Has this still not gained any traction 3 years later? I was really hoping to use Render as my new host, but requiring a Git connection is a major deal breaker for me and many others.
:+1: I would very much like this as well. Coming over from Heroku, I wish Render offers something as convenient as this:
heroku create -a my-app
heroku git:remote -a my-app
git push heroku main
For static sites, would love to be able to just copy over completed builds as a zip. This would also allow for "patching" of static sites when the majority of the content does not change.
I'm surprised this isn't a much easier use case than linking into customer Git repos, which in addition to being a security concern, is more "cool" than useful.
Geoffrey Callaghan
if you want to add static website forms to render this is helpful
Yes this is absolutely a required feature. It leaves us vulnerable to single point of failure for code repos if it ever gets compromised. Why also would we share our entire repository with render. I love the render services and have used it for other projects, but in this day and age where everything is getting compromised, we really need the ability to have more control over this. Some of us have clients who are extremely paranoid and for good reason. None of the files on github are encrypted by default unless you use git-crypt or something like that. This is really sad. The tech support response to my question is just answered with a very poor bedside manner. You guys love to alienate devs.
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