Manual Pull Request Previews Notifications on Github pr
Danny Sanchez
we recently switch from having automatic pull request previous to manual so we need to add [render preview] at the end of every pull request. When we used the automatic option we would see one notification/comment from render. now everytime theres a change in the pr, etc. we have render notifications spamming our pr. Any help on how to turn off this feature?
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Dan Wendorf
Hi Danny, thanks for reaching out. I believe what you are seeing is a change we made recently, and it is only coincidental that you noticed it when switching to manual previews. I believe if you switch back to automatic previews you will see the same notes on your PRs.
For GitHub PRs, we recently switched from posting a comment to the PR on every change to creating "GitHub deployments". GitHub deployments show as an item in the PR timeline and not as a comment, so can be easier to visually filter when reading a PR's timeline.
With the previous behavior of posting comments, we were posting comments every time the PR changed to show that a new Render deployment was triggered. The change we deployed was not to post more frequently, but to switch from posting comments to creating Github deployments.
If you're seeing different behavior, or more-frequent posts to your PRs than expected, there may be something unexpected configured with your GitHub-to-Render integration. I encourage you to reach out to our support team by using the chat widget in the bottom-right corner of the Render Dashboard, or by emailing them at and they'll be happy to help you sort things out.